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Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

fourth Quiz

Requirement Analysis


System Investigation Concepts

Problem is gap between purpose of system and real condition of system, with any word, why system fail to reach their purpose of system that have definite before. to know everything that cause system fail analys better have to investigation before taking something to do for repair system. With investigation, an analys will more understand the problem and discussion

Many repair in detecting a problem may not real or not solved. It can be happen because :

a. purpose are too ideal

b. system can’t developed

c. system measuring not accurate

d. statement goal is dated

e. the gap between the ideal and the current system is temporary and will decrease given patience

in stage of problem solving, better to have study with :

  1. describe system condition that have pass with detailed investigation activity
  2. get the ideal system consensus
  3. developing some alternative to decrease gap between ideal system and pass system
  4. choose the best alternative and selling to the management

the aim of investigation is for stable or to show real problem that happen beside as a way an analys to understand deeply their system.

Constraint inside investigation system, is :

· Time, analys minus of time resources for cost

· Cost, related to the time of investigation, so there are limit cost

· Knowledge, system information manager ordered junior analys that not quite in knowledge to observe, so impact with investigation result that can be minus.

· Politics, management or other side propagate issues for obstruct investigation activity

· Interference, there are the other side wants to arrange in investigation activity that cause confesion


· Not take an action if there are no a problem

· Doing a protection with small problems

· Improving user capability or user skill in running or using information system.

· Allowing for modification totally system, so need idea to change it with a new system.

· Put a happen problem into system development plan.

Investigation tactics

Listen, do not lecture

do not presolve the problem

compare stories

look for reluctant responses

probe for logical inconsistencies

observe your effect

expect hard, boring work

avoid politics

investigation techniques, include activity of :
· direct internal probes, with 3 
technique direct investigation, there are :
o questionnaires
o interview
o observation
· indirect external probes, there are 
o procedure flow
o document review
o sampling
o Tabular tools
Description system nowadays, that explain 
a. inputs
b. outputs
c. files
d. data elements
e. transaction and action document volume
f. data flow diagrams
There are 4 goal to reach in this phase, that is
· Explain the system completely
· Describing the ideal system
· Taking the ideal system to nowadays system 
with take care of the problems
· Give support user conviction in 
system development team
The phase of requirement analysis are interaction 
phase intensive between analys and end-user where system development team use their skill to get reaction 
and trust from user, so can give good participation.
Method in requirement analysis
· interviews, 
· questionnaires, 
· observation, 
· procedure analysis, 
· document survey.
Sampling can use for help decrease time and cost. 
to choose sample of population, there are need 
carefulness so will not fail.
Resources problem
· Time
· Money
· Skill
· Technology
· External factor
Requirement analysis document
· Analysis conduct
· User requirement
· Constraint system
· documentation
Selection of strategic

Distributed versus centralized processing

Integrated versus dispersed databases

Surround strategy of system development

Selection of tactics
· Now or later
o Technology
o Current cash
o Resources skill
o politic
· Change VS modification
· Configuration SLDC
Eight selection of operational planning
Selection of planning consist to 3 group, that is input, processing, and output. There are :
a. Input
   1. On-line versus off-line data entry.
   2. Keyed versus machine-readable data entry.
   3. Centralized versus decentralized data entry. 
b. Processing
   4. Batch versus real-time record update.
   5. Sequential versus direct access to records.
   6. Single versus multiple-user update of records.
c. Ouput
   7. Traditional versus turnaround documents.
   8. Structured versus inquiry-based reports.

Comparing tactic : the system is compared based on cost and profit according to relative.

It is 3 ways the A system can be says “more superior then other system” if:

Ø A have a lower cost than B, and have same profit

Ø A have a lower cost than B and higher profit then B

Ø Both of the system have same cost but A have higher profit than B.

Selling information system to 
the management as projected benefits 
has two problem, there are :
· Difficult to estimate quantity benefits
· If benefits estimated as quantity, 
rarely form in money 
Why important to translate become profit 
to measurable dollars? There are 3 reason :
· Company keep track money with 
traditional accountancy system
· Alternative information system compare 
with another alternative other area in company
· Top management decide to development system 
or not.

Cost Category

a. Hardware 
b. Software
c. People 
d. Supplies 
e. Telecommunications 
f. Physical site

Nature of costs

Comparing system information cost with system life, 
analys projecting how much changes cost for future. 
There 2 model cost operation system information :
a. Linear.
b. Exponential.
c. Step function.

Method for comparation system, there is:

a. Break-even analysis (BEP)
b. Payback period
c. Discounted payback period
d. Internal rate of return (IRR).


Problem statement
1. Nature of the problem detected 
(for example, increasing data entry backlogs).
2. How problem was detected 
(for example, customer complaints or 
performance measurement system).
3. Impact of problem on organizational goals 
(for example, delays processing of customer orders 
or reduces cash flow).
4. Departments and functions involved 
(for example, marketing department and 
order processing section of production department).
Existing system documentation
1. System function and interrelationships 
(this can be done with a graphic tools, 
such as a phyical data flow diagram, accompanied 
by step-by-step narrative description).
2. Processing volumes by type of document.
3. Processing times by type of document.
4. Bottlenecks (distribution of backlogs).
5. Organization policies affecting processing 
(example, a policy requiring that clerks process 
all commercial orders before residential orders).
6. Processing constraints.
   o People (for example, an average 20 percent 
       vacancy rate among data entry operators).
   o Hardware.
   o Software.
   o Development funds.
7. Organization of involved departments and 
function(for example,an organizational chart).
Problem correction alternatives
1. Procedure for generating information systems 
2. Cost determination for different alternatives.
3. Feasibility analysis.
   o Break-even years.
   o Payback years or discounted payback years.
   o Internal rate of return.
4. Qualitative factors.
5. Alternative recommended and why.
6. Alternative comparison with firm's goals 
(for example, ROI).
Recommended solution
1. Overall system description 
for recommended alternative.
2. New system functions and relationships 
(for example, logical data flow diagram).
3. Expected new system results.
   o Costs.
   o Benefits.
4. Proposed development schedule.
5. Development resource needs.
1. Physical and logical data flow diagrams.
2. Processing flow statistics 
(volume, timing, and so on).
3. Organizational charts.
4. Feasibility analysis details.
5. Development project schedule chart.
6. Development project proposed cost schedule.

Here are some guidelines for presenting the system study successfully :

· conduct short presentation

· reduce detail description technique

· represented clearly with visual tool

· bring workstation portable

· emphasized advantage from information system with a few existing alternative according to condition of atural company

Go / No-go decision

        If the company decide to developmney the system,
then information department will do next process,
its a design process sistem.

– If not, the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
will be stop.

– Frequently will be found problem with
studying system and generally top management 
will ask to re-working with studying system

– Model will explain some stage part which
repeat and sometimes information department
will make decision repeating the stage before 
explain studying system

– With alternative, decision for repeating
a SDLC stage previously or not is called 
Go – No –Go Decision

  • Slide PPT Pengamatan Awal, Kebutuhan Analisis; Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ER, S.KOM, M.KOM
  • http://kuliah.dinus.ac.id/ika/asi.html

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